RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Email


Chris Croome, MKDoc


Latest Version: http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/email/

1.1 2002-08-22




Copyright © 2002 by the Authors.

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this RDF Site Summary 1.0 Module Specification and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of the specification for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.

This copyright applies to this RDF Site Summary 1.0 Module Specification and accompanying documentation and does not extend to the RSS Module's format itself.


This module is designed to be used to represent email headers.

Namespace Declarations


<item> Elements:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 


  <channel rdf:about="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/">
    <title>www-talk@w3.org Mail Archives</title>
      www-talk is a public mailing list, maintained by W3C, for 
      technical discussion among those developing World Wide Web software.

        <rdf:li resource="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1991SepOct/0001.html" />
        <rdf:li resource="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1991SepOct/0000.html" />


  <item rdf:about="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1991SepOct/0001.html">
    <title>WorldWideWeb mailing list:  Introduction</title> 
    <email:from>timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)</email:from>
    <email:subject>WorldWideWeb mailing list:  Introduction</email:subject>
    <email:date>Mon, 28 Oct 91 16:33:14 GMT+0100</email:date>
    <email:message-id>9110281533.AA06989@ nxoc01.cern.ch</email:message-id>
We have (at last!) started the www-interest mailing list. Your name  
is, for one reason or another, on it. The list is a list for  
announcements about the World Wide Web (W3) distributed information  
system, mainly about

           o    New online information available

           o    New W3 software releases

If you do not want to be on this list, please accept our apologies  
and mail listserv@info.cern.ch with the message body 

        delete www-interest

If others wish to subscribe to this list, they should mail  
listserv@info.cern.ch with the message body

        add www-interest

There is a similar list, called www-talk, for developers of W3  
software. Members of www-talk get www-interest automatically.

If you have any queries for a human response, mail  

        Tim BL
Tim Berners-Lee                       timbl@info.cern.ch
World Wide Web project                (NeXTMail is ok)  
CERN                                  Tel: +41(22)767 3755
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland           Fax: +41(22)767 7155

  <item rdf:about="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1991SepOct/0000.html">
    <title>test again!</title> 
    <email:from>timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)</email:from>
    <email:subject>test again!</email:subject>
    <email:date>Mon, 28 Oct 91 14:34:12 GMT+0100</email:date>
If you get this, delete it. - Sorry!
