CreativeCommons SMIL Module


Lucas Gonze,

With major contributions by Jim Nachlin and Mike Linksvayer.


Latest Version:

1.02 2003-12-04 - Insert missing rdf:li items
1.01 2003-12-01 - Wrap dc:source items in rdf:Seq
1.0 2003-10-29 - First Draft


Informational draft, subject to change.


Copyright © 2003 by the Authors.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Portions of this document are based on RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: mod_cc by Ben Hammmersley, which is copyright © 2002 by the Authors. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this document for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of the specification for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.


This document aims to provide a format for metadata regarding the copyright license under which a SMIL document is released. As the name suggests, it originates from the Creative Commons project, but is not restricted to the licenses that they produce. Rather, it is designed to allow for the inclusion of any existing and future licenses, and to provide for the simple description thereof. More details on this can be found on the Creative Commons site, especially the metadata specification page.

General principles


Simplified example:

<metadata id="meta-rdf">
      <!-- Element containing license metadata here -->

Detailed example:

    <metadata id="meta-rdf">
	 xmlns:rdf = ""
	 xmlns:rdfs = ""
	 xmlns:dc = "">

	<!-- Value of rdf:about attribute should be the URL of your playlist -->
	<Work rdf:about="">

	  <!-- The name of your playlist. -->
	  <dc:title>SMIL CC</dc:title>
	  <dc:description>An example of how to apply Creative Commons metadata to SMIL resources.</dc:description>

	      <dc:title>Yo-Yo Dyne</dc:title>



	  <!-- Mime type of SMIL is application/smil, not text/smil as given in the SMIL recommendation! -->

	  <!-- If your playlist is derived from any others, put the
	       URL here.  Please preserve dc:source elements from
	       source SMIL files.  Put additions at the top of the
	       list of dc:source elements, so that they are ordered
	       from newest to oldest. -->

	  <license rdf:resource="" />

	<License rdf:about="">
	  <permits rdf:resource="" />
	  <permits rdf:resource="" />
	  <requires rdf:resource="" />
	  <requires rdf:resource="" />
	  <requires rdf:resource="" />



      <audio src=""/>
      <audio src=""/>
      <audio src=""/>


Further Reading

  1. For the SMIL 2.0 specification, see
  2. For the SMIL metadata recommendation, see
  3. For the SMIL 1.0 specification, see
  4. For cc:* elements, see For text exposition of how to apply Creative Commons metadata, see